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    April 12, 2024
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DO YOU REMEMBER 1978? Mood Rings, Saturday Night Fever, and gas was only 63¢ a gallon... Well, here we are celebrating our 46th year in Poultney! Circa 1978 on York Street HOURS 801-430 ROMINCE 200 York COACH WORKS QUALITY BODY REPAIRS CUSTOR PAINTING SPEED SPORT YORK COACH WORKS Since 1978 ollision Cen YORK 1075 YORK HI COACH WORKS, INC. Quality Autobody & Collision Repairs WE WORK FOR YOU WITH YOUR INSURANCE COMPANY Trucks Cars Boat RV Repairs 1075 VT Route 30, Poultney, VT 802-287-9897 1-800-974-9877 Email: AUTOBOD COMISION REPAIR PERTS COACH WORKS INC. 46 YEARS AND GOING STRONG! DO YOU REMEMBER 1978 ? Mood Rings , Saturday Night Fever , and gas was only 63 ¢ a gallon ... Well , here we are celebrating our 46th year in Poultney ! Circa 1978 on York Street HOURS 801-430 ROMINCE 200 York COACH WORKS QUALITY BODY REPAIRS CUSTOR PAINTING SPEED SPORT YORK COACH WORKS Since 1978 ollision Cen YORK 1075 YORK HI COACH WORKS , INC . Quality Autobody & Collision Repairs WE WORK FOR YOU WITH YOUR INSURANCE COMPANY Trucks Cars Boat RV Repairs 1075 VT Route 30 , Poultney , VT 802-287-9897 1-800-974-9877 Email : AUTOBOD COMISION REPAIR PERTS COACH WORKS INC . 46 YEARS AND GOING STRONG !