SAIL helps people live more independently.
This statement signifies the importance of the work we do at SAIL. Our pledge is to continue to do our best in serving the community, and to ensure each individual we serve receives the help they need. SAIL has the ability to restore hope and change people’s lives, therefore, we want everyone in the community to know who we are and how to find us. Please help spread the word by telling your friends and neighbors about the good work that SAIL does. In our everyday work, SAIL promotes the independence, equality and dignity of people with disabilities in all aspects of personal and community life. For people with disabilities and their families, Independent Living means knowing what services and supports are available; having the ability to choose the services that are right for each person, family and lifestyle; and taking responsibility for personal choices and actions.
As an independent living center we are cross-disability, non-residential, provide core services towards independence, and are consumer controlled. Cross-disability means we serve people with different types of disabilities. As an ILC we don’t have residential housing as service. We provide the core services of an ILC information and referral, peer services, independent living skills, advocacy for individuals and in the community, and help with life transitions.
Finally, as consumer controlled we employ and are represented on our board at least fifty-one percent of people with disabilities. Services provided through SAIL enable people of any age with disabilities to gain control over their lives. As a non-profit corporation, we welcome you as a partner in independence and thank you for your support.